Senior Success Interviews This Week to Encourage Employability Skills & Work Ethic

All UCHS Seniors are participating in Success Interviews this week. Each group of Seniors attend a large group session with talks ervin given by community leaders on topics of Teamwork, Success, Leadership, and Life After UCHS. Seniors also each have a one-on-one mock job interview with business and community leaders. These interviews are an opportunity for students to experience a real-world style interview and reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses. As a result of many collaborative meetings with area employers, employability and work ethic skills are an area of focus for our students. With the Work Ethic Seal that is available to students this year as well as the Braves to College scholarship program, students have the opportunity to be rewarded for displaying a strong work ethic and taking personal responsibility as displayed by their grades, attendance, and behavior.
Pictured are Robert and Laura Ervin who are talking with students about teamwork and priorities in life. Ervin encouraged students to work hard and demonstrate commitment to their endeavors in life. “Nothing is cheap, easy, or free,” said Ervin. “Everything you do in life that means something to you will take sacrifice. The things that are given to you mean nothing; things that are earned, mean a lot.”