UC Board of Education January Meeting

~from the Sturgis NewsUCMS 1
The Union County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday night at the Union County Learning Academy. All board members and Superintendent Patricia Sheffer were present. A large crowd was also in attendance as several students were recognized, and a number of staff members presented reports to the board.

Board chairperson Jennifer Buckman and vice-chair Jim Ricketts were re-elected to those positions on Monday night.

Union County Judge/Executive Jody Jenkins presented a resolution in recognition of school board members recognition month and extended his personal congratulations and appreciation to the Union County board for their dedication and service to the students of the county.

Union County Middle School students who were winners in the recent charity fair were recognized asUCMS 2 was Sarah Holbrook, who was recently selected as first runner-up in the Kentucky Distinguished Young Woman pageant. Also recognized was UCHS student Lauren Rust who was instrumental in organizing the pep club at the high school this year.

Superintendent Sheffer introduced Dr. Fred Carter from Western Kentucky University, who serves as the Director of the Superintendent Training and Mentoring Program. He told the board that over half of the superintendents in the Commonwealth of Kentucky have “turned over” in the past three years. He noted that superintendent training is a two year process. Union County’s superintendent is currently in the second year of the mentoring program. Dr. Carter noted, “Superintendent Sheffer is an instructional leader. Your county is very fortunate to have her.”

Mrs. Sheffer also reported that because of the efforts of the Union County Fiscal Court and Union County First, every student (high school) in the county system will have the opportunity to take the NCRC Test at no cost. The testing program, which is a work ready initiative, will be paid for throughLauren the efforts of the court and UC First.

The superintendent also called on Robbie Greenwell to address the board concerning the “Bring Your Own Device” program at the high school. He explained that students who meet the criteria and receive a digital driver’s license have the opportunity to bring to school and use their own laptop, smart pad or smart phone. He emphasized that students must pass a test and then be certified and their device registered before it can be used.

The program is designed to allow students the opportunity to use these devices in classes and at the same time reduce potential costs to the local board.
Board members heard the athletic report from Jeremy Tackett, athletic director at UCHS and the attendance report from Steve Carter, DPP and Director of Student Services.

Attendance in the school system averaged 93.30 percent for the fifth month of school. Carter notedSarah that the attendance figures were acceptable in comparison to surrounding districts. For individual schools, the attendance average report included Morganfield Elementary, 94.79%; Sturgis Elementary, 93.06%; Uniontown Elementary, 94.06%; UCMS, 92.81%; UCHS; 92.81%; Union County Learning Academy, 92.77%; and Victory Tech and Victory Tech #2, 100%.

Chris Brockman, Director of Food Services, presented the food service assessment. He informed the board that the district menus have been approved by the state and that will result in an additional six cents in reimbursement funds. That will mean an additional $1,600 to $1,700 per month in meal reimbursement.

David Waggener, Assistant Superintendent of Finance, presented the board with the monthly financial report and the draft budget for fiscal year 2014.
The draft budget reflects a six percent decrease from FY 2013. The total budget for 2014 is projected at $20,381,081.30. That is down from $21,429,006.36 in 2013. Waggener emphasized that “this is the start of the budget cycle. We don’t know the property valuation or tax rate right now,” he said. “There are a lot of unknowns. We will know more for the tentative budget” he added. He also said that with the projected six percent decrease, funding for programs could “become more problematic” for the district.

The board also approved the bills and claims for the month.

Board members gave approval to the school calendar for the 2013-2014 instructional year. The first day for students will be August 8, and the last day for students is projected to be May 16.

It was also noted that make up days for the missed days this year will be February 15 and March 29. It was emphasized that right now the system is still able to stay within this year’s school calendar; however, additional days missed for inclement weather or some other issue could alter that.
The board adjourned to a closed session for a student discipline hearing.