The Union County Board of Education will receive sealed bids until 10:00 a.m. CT on Thursday, March 6, 2025 for the replacement of a single self-contained geothermal water source heat pump classroom unit at Union County High School.
The project generally consists of disconnecting, removing, and disposing of the existing self-contained unit, as well as furnishing and installing a new geothermal water source heat pump.
Bid forms and specifications are available here or may be obtained from:
Amy Morris, Director of Finance or
Rhonda Gibson, Finance Specialist
Union County Public Schools
4500 US Hwy 60W
Morganfield, KY 42437
Telephone: 270-389-1694
A site walk-through can be scheduled by contacting the Union County Board of Education.
Bids must be sealed in an envelope clearly marked “UCHS HVAC” and delivered to the Union County Board of Education. No bids will be accepted via fax or email.
Conflict of interest, gratuities, and kickbacks are defined in KRS 45A:445 and as provided in KRS 45A:455 are absolutely prohibited. Violations of these codes are punishable by penalties as set forth in KRS 45A:990.